Meet The Owner

Allow me to introduce myself! I'm Ashley, a NASM certified personal trainer and nutrition coach as well as a competitive powerlifter. I'm a true Southern girl, Alabama born and raised. I have been into fitness since 2016 after I looked into the mirror and didn't recognize the reflection staring back at me. I decided to make the necessary lifestyle changes to get my life and body back! Now it's my mission to help every woman I can to feel strong and confident and to be the healthiest versions of themselves

M.O.D.A.S.T.E. (pronounced modesty) stands for "must overcome disease and sickness through exercise". There are several diseases that are preventable by living a healthy lifestyle such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. My purpose is to not only help you identify your fitness goals, design an exercise program that fits your needs and guide you through every workout, but to also educate you on making better lifestyle choices to prevent the diseases that are rampant in our community.